
Showing posts from July, 2016


Hey, friends! We have had LOTS of requests for this post, and I am really excited to share it with you today!  Over the past few years, I've gone from a plant killer to a borderline-crazy plant LOVER. They really are my favorite thing about our home and what makes it feel like HOME to me.  Now, some are easier to care for than others! And there's nothing worse than buying a special plant only to have it die on you when you are trying your best to care for it (I'm looking at you fiddle leaf fig trees!). So today I've rounded up five types of plants that are on the easier side to care for, that can live in mixed lighting and are pretty low maintenance. These are the ones that are thriving and growing like crazy in my home.  Hope you enjoy!   1. Philodendron – I have a lot of these in our spaces. They can live in high light, but don't need it, and they do pretty well with my slight over-watering tendencies. They grow very large. The one ab...


 I'd been thinking about putting up some shelving in the house for a few weeks so when I came across some hanging shelves I decided to make my own! I'm so delighted with how they turned out, it's surprisingly easy and not expensive either.. all in all my favourite type of weekend project!

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